care tags
Care tags are labels attached to garments or home products that provide information about how to best care and maintain the item. This information can include instructions for washing, drying, ironing, and dry cleaning. Care tags are essential to ensure that the item is not damaged or discolored when it is washed or dried. They can also provide information about the materials used to make the item, which can be helpful to know when purchasing similar items in the future.

Types of
care Labels
Size Tags - indicate the size of the garment
Care Instruction Tags - Indicate the washing instructions of the item
Make Tags - Indicate where and/or how the item was made
Material Tags - Indicate the type of materials used to make the item

Benefits of care tags




High Quality
The most effective care tags are the ones that indicate the size, care and material instructions of the item. The most common care tags are manufactured as woven tags, but can be designed with different materials to best fit your product. It’s imperative to attach care tags to ensure the longevity of your products. We recommend this label for any brands selling clothing or home products.